Ankaramy anyone?

Killer Chams

New Member
Does anyone have them? there one of the cooler locales in my opinion and there the next local i would like to start working with next. is it just me that likes them and everyone else thinks they suck? ive had better luck finding Mitsio's than Ankaramy's.

:Dyou just got to love the pink with the red spots


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Anks are a pretty uncommon locale. Very few people work with them due to their availability and the fact that they seem a bit more sensitive than other locales when it comes to general husbandry and especially breeding. They are extremely cool though in my opinion and I'd love to see more of them around.
I worked with these and found them to be no different to other locales. Theyre a beautiful locale, but not much demand for them hence not many people breeding them.
I know one of the guys had them at one point. I can check and see if he still has them. I will let you know.
Please do Laurie. Ive been on the lookout for some for about 2yrs with no luck. The few that came in about a yr ago were pretty beat up looking.
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