Another Basking Question

Please, can anyone help?!?!

85 to 90 sounds right if they can get away from the heat. So for a more insulated cage (like glass), you need to run a low wattage heat bulb. But for an all screen enclosure, a higher wattage bulb is best. Depends on the size of the cage. For example, I run a 40 watt bulb for my bearded dragon baby in her 10 gallon glass enclosure and it reaches over 90 degrees in the basking spot. Likewise, I run 75 watt bulbs for my adult panther chameleons all screen enclosures and the temps are below 90 unless they get up close to the light.

The best way to figure out whether your temperature regime is correct is to watch the reptile. If it spends all its time as close to the heat source as possible, then its not getting enough. If it spends all its time on the far end of the cage away from the heat source, then its getting too much. If it spends its time alternating between the two then you have it perfect.

One other thing...babies dry out quick. Mist them at least 3 times a day, but always allow them to dry off well before shutting off their lights for the night.

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