Another Parsonii milestone

Action Jackson

Chameleon Enthusiast
Well the mothership landed and left us with 39 eggs.:)

I'm so happy to have made it to this point. We have a long ways to go as we have a couple more gravid females. So stressful :)
Fantastic news and she looks excellent. Good luck with the others as well as this clutch. Please keep us posted with lots of pictures. :cool:
LOL. I guess that was misleading.
That's not a picture of her after she laid. She looked like hell. She was working for a long time and was in her hole all night. I put her out in the GOC for some heavy watering and now she is back in her cage still trying to add more dirt to where she thinks the eggs are.

Congratulations! She looks great, totally proud of herself.
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Wow! Congratulations! Parsonii seem to lay in the last weeks of December. Very jealous, but also excited for you!

That is great news Craig. I loved seeing & holding your Parsonii when I was down. I hope that lovely parson babies show up, ....... in a very long time. That will not be like waiting for your mt meru to pop a few out will it? What is the estimate on the time until hatching?

All fingers crossed for you.:):):)
Sorry, don't know why there's a thumbs down on my post. Must've hit it by accident. This is definitely a triple thumbs up!
Congratulations !
I cross my fingers that most of them were fertilized.
Heike is burying her seventh clutch today.
I let her do it without to disturb her.
It's better to wait until she is sitting on her branch again.
So she has come to an end with her instinct before I dig for her eggs.
Maybe because of this she can use the same place for burying eggs next year.
Well the mothership landed and left us with 39 eggs.:)

I'm so happy to have made it to this point. We have a long ways to go as we have a couple more gravid females. So stressful :)

Congratulations !
I cross my fingers that most of them were fertilized.
Heike is burying her seventh clutch today.
I let her do it without to disturb her.
It's better to wait until she is sitting on her branch again.
So she has come to an end with her instinct before I dig for her eggs.
Maybe because of this she can use the same place for burying eggs next year.

Exciting news! A BIG congrats to you both. :)
That's awesome news Craig! Congrats. If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions. Is her winter cage a standard 2'x2'x4' cage? What do you use for her laying bin? A 5 gallon bucket?

That's what I use for my panther but I would think a Parsons would need something larger and deeper to lay in than a 5 gallon bucket. Thanks in advance and congrats again. It'd be great to have a local hatch out some Parsons.
That's awesome news Craig! Congrats. If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions. Is her winter cage a standard 2'x2'x4' cage? What do you use for her laying bin? A 5 gallon bucket?

That's what I use for my panther but I would think a Parsons would need something larger and deeper to lay in than a 5 gallon bucket. Thanks in advance and congrats again. It'd be great to have a local hatch out some Parsons.

Thanks Wayne.

I'm really figuring this all out by trial and error:)

I originally made an enclosure similar to what Steve used I think. I had areas in the bottom with sand, sand and peat, peat and some other organic soil. She showed no interest in digging in any of it.:confused:

I have been moving the Parsons outside during the day to get heavy watering as they all seen very thirsty lately. I moved Pickle into a smaller 2x2x4 cage with a ficus tree in and she attempted to dig in the pot, so I figured she was ready to lay. I moved her back into the bigger enclosure and she wouldn't dig again. She did drop one egg on the ground which made me think she did lay but I found no other eggs.:mad: I then set up a laying bin in the same 2x2x4 cage she had been in before and after a heavy watering she went to town. I think she had waited a little too long due to not liking the soils provided and it took her a while to lay.

She ended up laying in some Kelloggs Enrich soil. She laid in a tight spot behind the tree. she had a hard time digging and laid her eggs pretty shallow.I definitely need to work on the bin thing.:)
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