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I've had trouble with ants and my roach colony. I've spent a good amount of money and have a pretty big roach colony. Anyone know how to deal with this problem? I was looking at picking up a rack of some kind and putting the legs in small buckets of water.

Any other ideas?
Your idea will work if they have no other way of getting on the rack.
I have had no ant infestations but some on here have ended up putting the colony bin inside a bigger bin with water in it.(same water barrier idea)
Vasaline!!!!! Around the tub. AND water to be extra safe. Ants are the only bugs that I despise. They're so scary.

Oh yeah, no pesticides please... You probably weren't going to do it, but I know some people who would try it and not realize what they were doing.
Vasaline!!!!! Around the tub. AND water to be extra safe. Ants are the only bugs that I despise. They're so scary.

Oh yeah, no pesticides please... You probably weren't going to do it, but I know some people who would try it and not realize what they were doing.

Ants bother you but roaches dont? You are crazy!:p

I would use vasaline and put it on a shelf you should not have a problem then!
The water thing works well as ants can't swim. But if the container dries up or something falls in the container to act as a bridge for the ants, guess where the ants are going to get their next easy meal?
Sorry if this doesn't contribute to the conversation topic, but are ants a big problem with roach colonys? Do they attack the roaches / roach food more then they would crickets?
Ants are the spawn of the devil. I still feel bad if I kill them, but I really really really dont like them... They're terrible and gross and icky. :mad:
I live in a place that has TONS of brown running ants, following ants or whatever they are called. They really attack the nymphs but will also go after the adults. On the plus side I found around 500 babies while cleaning out the bins! Where would I put the vasaline, towards the bottom of the bin? I hate using that stuff....makes a mess! I think that maybe better then using water, but does vasaline dry up? I can't use the bigger bin idea, I'm using 50gallon rubbermaids. I need to produce tons of roaches!
Put it where ever you want as long as there are no penatrable sites on the fort! Fight for the colonies!

Anyways, they actually have this stuff that's made to keep climbing roaches in... Works the same with outside bugs getting in, and it doesn't dry up as quick as Vaseline, but I can't remeber what it's called... Sorry.

Fluon aka Insect-a-Slip. Not the same as bug stop or bug barricade. teflon based dry t the touch one it dries unaffected by heat or humidity. Designed for use by entomologists to use on their funnel traps to keep the bugs from getting out.

Digby Rigby
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