Any advice would be great


New Member
OK, so I already have a 8 month old female veiled cham. I was looking around on Kijiji and I found a male that was a little older and in really bad shape. I felt bad for him and decided to rescue him. He was dehydrated and wasn't fed enough as he is very skinny. I'm also pretty sure they didn't dust his feeders properly. I've had him here for a week now on the same lighting, misting and feeding/dusting schedule as my female. Just wondering what you guys think.

I've posted some pics from when I first got him, until now.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Give him some worms silk, horn, and butter. They will help hydrate him mostly the horn, silks are good for vitamins, and butter will help gain fat. Still dust with calcium with out d3.
How have you been dusting? What is your misting schedule? What and how much do you feed? He looks a lot better to me already
I feed him crickets dusted with calcium daily. I mix it up for him and give him hornworms and butterworms every other day. I also gut load the bugs with fresh mustard greens and apple slices. They also get dusted with calcium with D3 twice a month and they also get a multivitamin twice a month. Misting is 9:30AM for 4mins 1:30PM 2 1/2 mins and 5:30PM 4mins. Lights on at 8AM off at 8PM
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