Any Ideas?


New Member
So, my big guy, Titan, refuses to abide by the "no larger than the width of the head" rule, and, well....he has a pretty big head! In the summer I have no problem keeping up with his feeder requirements, catching him grasshoppers, katydids, butterflies, the works. I am trying to find a commercial feeder, or insect that I can find off of a biology website( etc.)even, that he would eat, I have been thinking of ordering some mantids but even at the price I can buy them (cheap from a breeder) they are a bit pricey. I got him some silkworms that I am trying to bulk up for him, and was lucky enough to catch him a grasshopper yesterday. It is a good thing hes slowing down for the winter! He eats superworms when I have nothing else but refuses, dubia, crickets, any other type of roach, and pretty much anything easy for me to get a hold of :rolleyes:. He really likes stick insects, slugs, and big juicy catterpillars, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Get hornworms, just buy like 3 of the 25 cups from GLH and get 1/2lb of food. In a week or two you will have 75 hornworms that are 3 or 4 inches long and at least 9 grams which is the equivalent weight wise of like 25 or 30 crickets. Plus almost every cham loves them. And don't worry it's normal for chams to want bigger food, I have a big male that wont eat anything the size of a cricket. Full grown locust, adult dubia/discoids, giant hornworms and mantids are his food of choice.

Get hornworms, just buy like 3 of the 25 cups from GLH and get 1/2lb of food. In a week or two you will have 75 hornworms that are 3 or 4 inches long and at least 9 grams which is the equivalent weight wise of like 25 or 30 crickets. Plus almost every cham loves them. And don't worry it's normal for chams to want bigger food, I have a big male that wont eat anything the size of a cricket. Full grown locust, adult dubia/discoids, giant hornworms and mantids are his food of choice.


Yeah I order him horns from time to time as well. He just finished polishing off the last of oh....200, about a month ago. I save some of them to turn into moths as well because he loves those, his food of choice would be stick insects but from feeding too many off I have to wait for my culture to replenish before I can start feeding off more.
My panther refuses to eat anthing that he doesnt have a hard time swallowing lol, and thats how hes been for his whole life.

EDIT: anyone have experience with Luna moths? I know Steve Sims uses them for his parsonii and I was considering buying a few pupae and letting them breed etc. The only problem for me would be finding food for the larvae as the only thing close to what they eat that I have access to is Florida/Sand Oak. I am also considering some other N.American silkmoths, as from time to time I find empty cocoons that have fallen from my oak tree, I have yet to ID them though.
Yeah i have a young panther. Yesterday i caught him a fairly large katydid. About 2" if you inc wings. He took that thing down. I was watching him to make sure he was ok but i thought he could eat it. he was pretty soft bodied. He prob just molted or something. so cool to see them perk up for wild caught bugs. I am lucky i live near a nature area.
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