Any parronts here?


A few weeks ago, I adopted Buttercup the budgie and Skeeter the cockatiel from a local shelter, and I decided to rename them Ren and Stimpy, respectively. Does anyone else on this forum keep parrots?
Yes, I have two. An African Grey named Harley (previous owners named him) and a Quaker Parrot named Hank. They're fun, and too smart for their own good, sometimes. :)
I did. I have a Quaker called max, a hahns macaw called Louie and an African grey called pidgey( I didn't name him that,lol.).
Max passed a few yrs ago, and Louie a year later.
Pidgey was 15 when I took him in from a friend of a friend, who'd taken ill. He will be 19 now.
He has gone to a rescue where he can have more freedom and flight. His wings were never clipped and he wasn't tame. Talked loads and could get you in bother. He would let me scratch top of his head now and then, but that was it and on his terms.
He's doing really well though, and as much as it tore me making that decision, it's worked out great.
( I'd moved and unable to take him, niece was taking care of him, as she lives in my house, it was best decision for him, but I still miss him, but not the mess ).
I have a 3 year old Harligold McCaw (Caesar), a 12 year old amazon(Lucky), and recently lost my African grey ( Peanut, had him for 24 years. He was an adult when I got him and am guessing he lived about 35 years).
Cockatoo's here. It's like having a herd of needy three year olds. I swear they get more affection from my wife than I do......
Cockatoo's here. It's like having a herd of needy three year olds. I swear they get more affection from my wife than I do......

LOl,That's due to the fact that your wife spends more time with your Chams then you do. If you didn't travel so much you MIGHT get more affection. :D
Just messin with you bro,I wish my family was as happy to care for my chams as your wife is for you!!!!
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