Any problem with my chameleon eating a lizard from outside?


Established Member
I found one in my cricket keeper that I leave outside so I put it in his cage and not even a second later it was gone. Anything wrong with letting him do that?

Here's whats left...


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Parasites!!!! The wild lizards carry parasites. That why when you buy WC they come with parasites.
I wouldnt recommend it because of what beeze said. Parasites!!!! That and a lot of times they are to big to feed and could possibly cause other problems like impaction or constipation. I would watch him closely and then get a fecal done in the near future.
Not sure about parasites in a North American lizard effecting an old world animal.
Certainly coccidia could be an issue ...
Best way to avoid a problem with this is not to act on your impulse.
I do not think your chameleon will suffer any ill effects from this, but it is always better to play the safe card.

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