Any suggestions?


New Member
Hello! I'm new to this platform and dealing with chameleons overall, been trying to decide what kind to get, because from most people I've heard to get a veiled, but I've also heard they are a bit more aggressive then other kinds, I'm getting a chameleon in two weeks, (I'm doing a lot of traveling in the next two weeks and don't want to leave the cham the moment I get it), and would like to have a decision by then, any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hi and welcome. :) The very first thing I suggest is heading over to and learn all about husbandry and the needs of specific species.
Then set up your enclosure. If you haven’t yet purchased anything, I highly recommend one of Neptune the Chameleon’s kits. It’s not only the easiest way to buy everything needed, but is at a great price.
If you are brand new to having a chameleon, I definitely advise to get a male and avoid the egg laying anxiety that comes with our sweet females. I have to say that the majority of veileds just want us to feed them and leave them alone. It is the rare veiled that willingly comes out to us, unless it hates its enclosure. While panthers can have just as much attitude and sass, they are more likely to adjust and as they learn to trust us, be more accepting of being handled. Buying from a reputable breeder will also make a difference. There are several breeders who are reputable that are forum sponsors.
One is currently having a sale. Several members have had wonderful experiences with this breeder.’all.193651/
There is also a member who several of us have gotten some beautiful panthers from. I don’t know if she still has any.
Do feel free to ask as many questions as you need. :)
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