any1 with a graceful?


Established Member
so ive been on the forums for hours a day just reading and looking at pics and come to notice that there arent many graceful owners on here, i know most of them are wc and people tend to stay away but if any1 has one i would love to c some pics. this is kiko my graceful :)


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finaly lol. just trying to find some friends with gracefuls you know. trying to get some people to share pics and stories with. haha every thread i read is about a panther or veiled, just saddens me lol. any pics??
just thought id try to bring this thread back to life. here are some update pics of kiko i took today. he was being difficult so the pics didnt come out so well.


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Hey! I have a graceful. I got her this weekend and her name is Gracie! I know, I'm so original. lol


She's not always so fired up, but since I brought her home on sunday she hasn't really mellowed out to that nice plain greenish yellow color. Her body stripes are always visible. I don't know if it's because she's stressed about her new home. I'm spraying her as much as I can because she looks a little thin. I tried feeding her mealworms, to no success, when I got home but I picked up some crickets today and she gobbled a couple up. I'm hoping that hydrating her and feeding her will get her up to par.

Any other suggestions?

I love her to death already. She's one sassy diva.
hmm, mine is opposit he loves meal worms hates crickets till i got some repashy. i think he likes the taste of it haha. have you tried hornworms? mine runs across his cage for them. also a good way to get her to drink more is by using warm water. kiko runs from the water when its not warm but seeks it when it is, its pretty funny. cant wait to c some other pics of yours. maybe one with a more friendly face!! :D
I'll try the warm water thing and hope she likes it. Also, I would like to try hornworms, but they are soooo expensive in comparison to crickets or mealworms.
i know thats what i said to the first time. and they grow soooo fast. but if you dont feed them as much they grow slower. it might help her gain some weight. who knows it might be worth a try
Wow!!! Your animal looks to be in amazing shape for a WC. Awesome!!!! As for zjucket, yours looks on the skinny side . Time to start fattening it up and get a fecal sample tested.
thanks. but believe me. he wasnt like this when i got him as a baby. he was in pretty rough shape, thankfully he pulled through and is thriving now. :D
Me and my wife have 2 gracefuls. Ours aren't WC actually. We've had them for about a month now. I'm going to try to post some pics but I'm new to this forum and haven't learned how yet so if they don't attach then I'm sorry. The first pic is supposed to be the boy and the second which was supposed to be the female I couldn't get to upload so I'll try another time. They are both the same size.


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welcome to the forums. how did you go about finding cb gracefuls? not many people breed them. is the one in the pic the male or the female? he/she looks real healthy nice and plump eyes arent sunken in and its skin is nice and smooth. looking forward to seeing some more pics :)
Here's a picture of our female. I think she was started to get a little aggrevated with my camera when I was trying to take the picture bc she normally doesn't look like this. The male and female sometimes are so similar in the light green color that it's sometimes hard for me to tell them apart. Finally!!! Here is the picture I have been trying to get posted for you to see.:rolleyes:


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I just wanted to post some more pictures of my baby girl. ^_^.
She's seems to be doing better with more plants and I move her to a higher vantage point in a corner area, so I hope that helps. She's still stress coloring, but it's not quite as bad and she was all green this morning after I turned her lights on and before she saw me!





Here's a picture of our female. I think she was started to get a little aggrevated with my camera when I was trying to take the picture bc she normally doesn't look like this. The male and female sometimes are so similar in the light green color that it's sometimes hard for me to tell them apart. Finally!!! Here is the picture I have been trying to get posted for you to see.:rolleyes:

she looks real good!!! any plans on breeding them :D ?? its so good to c some graceful owners. i always feel left out when ever post is abotu panthers and veileds.
I just wanted to post some more pictures of my baby girl. ^_^.
She's seems to be doing better with more plants and I move her to a higher vantage point in a corner area, so I hope that helps. She's still stress coloring, but it's not quite as bad and she was all green this morning after I turned her lights on and before she saw me!

oh man she looks alot better than in the first pic i saw of her. is she rehydrating well? eating more gaining some weight??
I believe so! I haven't weighed her but she's eating a few crickets everyday, which is better than nothing! As for rehydrating, I think so as well. I spray her A LOT and I gave her her first shower yesterday and she drank for a solid 20 minutes. She looked so happy.

As for breeding...I need to figure out all the gritty details about keeping her happy and healthy before i even consider it. Although there aren't many CB. It'd be cool, but I'm sure that breeding them is even harder than just keeping them happy. Oy...
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