Anyone breed their own Silkies???


Avid Member
So silkworms are the one food item that all my chams can agree they love. I was wondering how easy it is to get a self sustaining Silkworm setup going so I don't have to worry about paying an arm and a leg everytime I need some. Is it worth rearing them myself? And how easy is it to keep up? I searched for the Silkworm 101 thread I had seen on here before but I can't find it as the engine won't include "101" in the search. I have read conflicting articles on raising them... Some say the eggs hatch after 10 days... but others say you should refrigerate for some amount before the will hatch...?

I was thinking that if I was going to do this I was going to order a Mulberry tree as well... And keep it in a large pot outside... I found a place that sells them at 1'-2' for $15... Does anyone keep or know about keeping a Mullberry.

I would also appreciate any info or tips that could help me get going on this, Like items I should purchase and thing I should consider. Thanks.
you DO have to keep the eggs in the fridge for atleast one month.

i have eggs that have been in the fridge for about a month.
i got about 200 eggs out of three pairs, and i dont think half will survive
to feeder size so take that into concideration. i have on cham so i only
need to have about 10 or so make it to moths.

if you buy a 1'-2' tree you might as well not use it for a few years.
at the rate these guys eat that thing will be dead in a week.
not to mention that if you keep ripping off leaves of a new tree, it wont
it have a chanse to grow.
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