appetite stimulant?

i was wondering if anyone has ever used the Herpcare Appetite Stimulant? Does it work? it has a lot of vitamins and Calcium In it. could it be use on a one year old veiled that wasnt eating so he still gets his basics, because he is not eating. Just wondering thanks
guess nobody has given it a shot. i am on day 4 and im mixing it with a little exta calcium. he is pooping more often now, but its runny. i have noticed a better color in him. i think the vitamins and minerals are making him feel better, but still inst eating. he just walks over his feeding bowl, i noticed he moved it today because it was under the dripper and had a bit of water in it. suppers and giant mealworms didnt like they drowned.
well i just thought i would keep everyone posted. it has been about a week now with the stimulant. he hasnt been eating on his own yet. atleast this stuff has vitamins, minerals, and calcium in it.
I have not had this happen to me before, my babies always eat for me.
I have read that you can feed them a pinky mouse and it is supposed to be a great appetite enhancer. I am not sure how the weathered hobbyists feel about this. i have found wrong information before.

I would use that as a last resort because mice are very difficult to digest. If I were you I would wait for a more experienced person to okay that option.

For now, what has he been eating up 'til the hungerstrike?
I've not even heard of the appetite stimulant.
That doesn't mean it's not okay..I haven't heard of a lot of things.
How long has he been fasting?

he is pooping fine(runny b/c he is on a liquid diet) and still has plenty of mass on his body. i dont know what his deal is. the first couple pictures in my gallery are him from this thursday.
Scotty, I NEED more power~!

I would make sure that they were all warm enough
They may have stopped eating because both their digestion and metabolism
aren't working as well as they should.

Making sure they're nice and warm with good lighting would be a great start.
You know it's a very common thing for male veileds to do this. Three weeks does seem like a lengthy fast though.
My opinion is that these animals are pretty good at taking care of themselves.
As long as he is alert and drinking, basking, has good color, is parasite free, etc. he's probably fine.
We do tend to be hyper-vigilant with them, which I think is good, but it can cause us a lot of stress.
I will be happy when you post to tell us he is eating again! (surely that day is coming soon)


*good comment by Jeweled by the way. If it's too cool (daytime temps) his metabolism will have slowed down considerably. This is the time of year to watch that!

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oh its plenty warm. its about 95 in the main basking area and the bottom is about 76. i live in florida so tonight is going to be the coldest it has all year. 50! lol so the temp change outside cant be to much of the problem.
He is a beautiful critter BTW. I can't tell by the pictures that he has lost any body mass... has he?

Panacur can be an appetite stimulant. Probably wouldn't hurt him either. Feeders can have parasites in them.
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