Apple for my veiled, good or bad?


New Member
Today I was eating an apple and before I finished I cut up a couple of very small pieces and put them in my palm and showed Picasso, he almost immediately ate is this something to stop or continue?.....As always, much thanks to all.
That is not a bad caresheet at all, I've never seen it before. I take issue with using broccoli though, that is also high in oxilates which inhibit calcium uptake (can be used a bit, just not regularly).
In answer to the original question, the apple is totally fine :)
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Be careful before feeding your cham new fruits and veggies. Always be educated about what you're feeding your cham, as many things can be poisonous. Like tomato or tobacco plants, both are poisonous to chams but you probably wouldn't know unless you read about it.

Good luck with your little one :)

Try to offer your cham collard greens, mustard greens, kale, turnip greens, butternut squash, hemp seeds, sesame seed, walnuts, and almonds. Then put a teaspoon of DinoFuel on the mix and watch your veiled devour it's meal.
I feed my guys a few slivers of apple a few times a month. They also like banana, strawberry, carrot and some greens.
How do you get yours to eat veg/fruit? I put it in there and they never touch it. Not once. Tried apples, mustard greens, collard greens, spinach, grapes. No dice. Special feeding dish?
Mine boy eats no fruit and veg (a couple of bits of strawberry when young - since then if it doesn't move by itself it's definitely not for him :)). Some of them just don't like it. It is totally unnecessary for them if it's the same stuff as the insects get gutloaded with. If he won't eat it from the same dish as his usual food then it means he's not hungry for reason not to offer a bit every now and again, he might get a taste for it if he tries it.....
..My girl will eat anything she sees and tried to get my whole fist in her mouth today :rolleyes: I've given her some half-blueberries, some bits of strawberry, little bits of carrots and some dandelion leaf. Less than one piece a week though, it's by no means important for her :)
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