appoogies i did do a search but...


New Member
i have today brought Mista some mario worms.

i've tried phoenix worms & roaches and he has no interest at all.

He has always loved his locusts which is his staple,but he has gone off them a litte so i thought i'd try these.

curious to know how many and how often should i let him have them?

Morio worms are the UK equivalent of super worms ;). They can be used as staple foods as they are easier to digest and more nutritious than mealworms. Chams seem to really love the newly moulted white ones. Treat them like mealworms, and gutload with the same food. I keep mine in a mix of bran and oats in an open icecream tub, they last for ages!

We can also get butterworms and silkworms over here - I get mine from here, but I don't think they have any silkworms at the moment:
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I did a little googling to look these up as I had no clue as to what the hell you were talking about lol. From my search I take it these are meal worms? Then again I saw few call them "super" mario worms, and think they may be talking about super worms.

Either way...If you are going to feed this type of worm, be sure to feed the supers. They are better nutritionally and don't have quite as much chitin. A few members have chams who eat these as a staple without issues, but impaction is always a risk with these feeders. If you are just looking to add to his diet with something different, you can feed him 1-2 every other day, or feed him as many as he will eat (within reason) one 1 to 2 times a week.
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haha thanks pure,yeah it was the chitin that i was worried about.He wolfed down two with absolute joy on his face.Ill probly see he digests them properly before i increase his amount.

Thanks Tiff, i was trying to think of a better container to put them in ice cream tub sounds perfect :D
I'm not sure about your side of the pond, but over here, ice cream tubs are made out of cardboard. These guys can chew through cardboard. It will be hard for them to do on a round container, but is still a risk, and something to think about. Plastic deli trays work well also, and they can not chew through them..
haha thanks pure,yeah it was the chitin that i was worried about.He wolfed down two with absolute joy on his face.Ill probly see he digests them properly before i increase his amount.

Thanks Tiff, i was trying to think of a better container to put them in ice cream tub sounds perfect :D

Don't put the lid on though. I keep my mealies (for the glider) the same way, only I put that tub in a cupboard (I think mealies like it cooler and darker than supers). The other feeders sit in a plastic box on top of my fridge!
Nope cardboard. I've seen plastic used for bulk tubs of ice cream, but these are more like small buckets. lol

Perhaps we are just more "green" :p I dunno
haha showing my age now:p when i was a kid they used to sell ice cream wrapped in a thin card,very messy when it started to melt.
I use the plastic cartons we get now as a washing peg box:D
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