Are Large Superworms too BIG?


Established Member
I know the rule about the feeder being not any wider than the gap between their eyes but I just went to pick up some supers and I could only get the large size. And they are really monsters!

Do you think it's safe for a 4.5 month old panther to eat the large size superworms?

Thanks, my better judgement was saying NO too.

Around what age would these be considered safe?

I have them in a small tub of cricket crack. Do I need to do anything else to keep them alive?
I got large superworms once...I ended up letting them go in the front yard. My husband swore that birds would get them, but we still joke about the superworms protecting the front yard from intruders...they were monsters!

If you have the least doubt about it, keep them away from your chameleon...superworms are aggressive and have excellent bite strength....minimally, you will need to deal with these feeders and frankly, the large ones scare the willies out of me....
Thanks, my better judgement was saying NO too.

Around what age would these be considered safe?

I have them in a small tub of cricket crack. Do I need to do anything else to keep them alive?

I would feed adult cham large superworms... Otherwise, get the small/ medium one for your juvenile panther.

They need some wet gutload (such as vegetables/ fruits) to keep hydrated.
I got large superworms once...I ended up letting them go in the front yard. My husband swore that birds would get them, but we still joke about the superworms protecting the front yard from intruders...they were monsters!

If you have the least doubt about it, keep them away from your chameleon...superworms are aggressive and have excellent bite strength....minimally, you will need to deal with these feeders and frankly, the large ones scare the willies out of me....

yeah you should see the mouth/pincher things on these buggers!
Just breed the ones you have now so you dont have to get new ones its sooo easy. You just isolated them in small like cups with nothing in there, and then when they turn to beetles you put them in something else with some wheat germ or something similar and put something for them to get water from.
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