Are Meal (SP?) worms OK to feed my Veiled?


New Member
I asked my local cricket seller if they had anything different I could use to spice up Dexters staple of crickets and all she said they had is Meal worms. They're currently working on a Dubia Colony but didnt have any Superworms or other treats so she gave me a few meal worms to try out with him. Are these ok for him? I dusted a few an put em in with the crickets and he ate them, but only after all the crickets had been eaten and he also waited an extra hour or so to try out the meal worms >.>
They aren't highly recommended because they can be hard for chameleons to digest. 1 every now and then won't hurt them but I wouldn't recommend them as a staple. :)

Dubia are great staples and so are silk worms all through they can be pricey
ya, while not the best feeder overall, they are absolutely fine as an addition to your chams diet. They can easily make up 10% of the feeders eaten. Be sure to gutload mealworms well and calcium dust
Chameleons do like mealworms, but as already said they contain a high level of chitin (the hard outer skin). Because of this I always feed off the newly moulted (white) mealworms and the chams seem to relish these!:D
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