Arlo settling in


New Member
He's such a laid back boy, and loves eating crickets out your hand. The only problem is, when he gets out his cage he will not go back, lol! Climbs all over us and when he realises he's going back in he turns round and heads back up your arm.




I would wonder why he does not like his home. Chams usually like to be in their homes not with the scary new person.

They take a bit to adjust to their living space but they usually like to be there.

Not trying to be the devils advocate but it just make me wonder if there is something wrong that they are not very happy about:confused:
I would wonder why he does not like his home. Chams usually like to be in their homes not with the scary new person.

They take a bit to adjust to their living space but they usually like to be there.

Not trying to be the devils advocate but it just make me wonder if there is something wrong that they are not very happy about:confused:

i agree. mine are all sweet but theres a posibility something may be upsetting him. mabey post all your stuff and we can see if its too hot or something. some chams really do just love their people tho :D
When he is in his home he is happy think he just loves his free time. always has a bight to eat before coming out and when he does go in he seems fine and dandy. :D
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