Arnold was seven years old yesterday!!!


Retired Moderator
Here is the chameleon I have loved the longest. He may be getting old but he still gets around. I do watch him when he is out free ranging because at 7 he is not a agile as he once was.:(

I get to his cage

He heads out

Arnold at play

He looks great! :) amazing colors ^_^ I forgot to say Happy Birthday :eek: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARNOLD AND MANY MORE!
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Wow! 7 years old!! Happy birthday! He looks great, you must take such good care of him!
Nice-Good to see a chameleon live that long. I wish there was a forum like this back in the mid-late 90's when I was first getting into all of this. It's really come a long way- chameleons living 7-8 years is a far cry from alot of them I would sell to people back in the day. Congrats!!:)
Nice-Good to see a chameleon live that long. I wish there was a forum like this back in the mid-late 90's when I was first getting into all of this. It's really come a long way- chameleons living 7-8 years is a far cry from alot of them I would sell to people back in the day. Congrats!!:)

Thanks & just think of what a nice home this could be for a baby jackson.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
happy 7yrs Arnold, and great job Laurie, im sure he is a spoiled little boy but give him a extra worm from me and Camo.
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