Art fooder or butterflys ( Moths ) made by your own


New Member
Surely you already of art fodder for the caterpillar breed heard.
( some of you buy it for your hornworms :) )

The advantage of art fodder is obvious. It is available also in the winter in constantly continuous quality and some kinds prospers to the fact so expressed well that the adulten animals fail often more largely.
Beyond that arise rare diseases, which could be because of the plentiful antibiotic with gift.
I would like to summarize you briefly here, how the fodder can be manufactured and where one added receives.
The basic prescription is after Bergomaz and Boppré. Simply times after it google.
Prescription for 4.200g finished art fodder the main component is a dry powder, which is converted only if necessary together with water and agar agar to the finished art fodder.

Main component

* 500g of white bean flour
* 117g Brewer's yeast (also known as "brewing yeast")
* 23,5g ascorbic acid
* 3,3g Cholesterol
* 3,3g Sorbic acid
* 3,3g Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate
* 15,7g (17%) Streptomycin; or 2,67g equivalent pure Streptomycin.
* " 20g 10% Tocopherol in wheat germ oil
* 26,7g flax seed oil

The components specified above are well mixed. A Kitchen-ma
chine, carries here good services out.
Otherwise clumps stay, which connected themselves with the oil.

The main component can be kept in the freezing peace longer time
( 7-12 months )
. In such a way manufactured main component becomes then in the necessary quantity with agar agar (strong!) and water to the finished fodder processes

Mixing proportion and preparation

Main component : Agar agar : Water = 7: 1: 27

1. Water with suitable quantity agar agar to cook bring and with a whisk clump formation avoid.

2. As soon as the water with the agar agar is well boiled up, lukewarm cooling let stir and the main component as become lumpy-free as possible.

3. If the mass is beautifully smoothly agitated, takes by the fire and directly in flat give closely lockable plastic boxes. Therein now let cooling store and in the refrigerator.
In such a way manufactured art fodder holds in the refrigerator up to one month.
Used not too much the main component for a portion.

1000g= 1kg= 2,2lb

Attention :

This fodder is suitable for many moths - kinds.
Butterflies do not accept it strange to say.
It is advisable to collect and dry sheets of the respective fodder plant to grind afterwards.
The caterpillars go better to the art fodder, if one covers the individual strips something with this sheet powder.

Of course may be experimented gladly.

Much success

Greetings nobby
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Did you just give us a Hormworm Chow Recipe? It Sure sounds like it?

Also what the heck is a Art Fodder, im from the south and have never heard of it.
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