Athena layed a double egg!


New Member
So my girl Athena layed an egg that appears to be two eggs fused together. Anyone have any experience with this or know how common it is?

Here's the pics.


I have experienced 4 double eggs in my time keeping and breeding chameleons.
I am sorry to say that your double egg looks infertile, due to the yellow coloration in the middel, wich in my cases always has ended with a rotten egg after a month or two.
I do have one double egg wich has keept its shape and normal development for 5 months now, I am really looking forward to see what the result of this might be. The egg has grown as normal, and bloodveins and dark pigmantation in the egg clearly shows that it is fertile.
I will make a post of my egg when I get home for comparison.
Twins have hatched out of single eggs before, and conjoined twins have as well. I don't think any of the ever lived long if at all. I haven't heard anything about joined eggs though.
Congrats on the eggs Alex. How's Athena doing?

Thanks! Athena is doing great. She got a bunch of treats last night. She's 2.5 years old so hopefully she won't lay again. I'm gonna try as hard as I can to get her to stop laying eggs(cooler temps and moderated food). This was her 4th cluth in a row!

how awesome! hope it hatches.. but what kind of substrate are you using?

I'm using repashy's superhatch.
where can I purchase some? I've been using vermiculite but it gets quite messy and sticks to my fingers..
I got mine from Pangea, but you can get it direct from Repashy. I read a few articles about suitable substrate for eggs, and that made me feel safest about using it.
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