Attack of the Grasshoppers

Morpheo's Mom

Avid Member
I am not sure who is familiar with the great grasshopper swarm that came over Las Vegas in 2019. 46,000,000 of them give or take. It really was something. The glittering lights attracted so many they were covered on the ground. I even felt guilty driving because there was no way to not run them over. They would be all over your car, flying through their, truly an amazing sight. Here is a link to some video footage:

They say they've come back again this year. Not quite so many but it is that time again. My husband said they were all over his work last night and I think he picked up a hitchhiker. This little guy scared me to death when I got in the car after work today 😂 I screamed so loud.


Of course I wouldn't due to the high probably of parasites, but I wish I could have fed him to Morpheo. Instead I opened the passenger door and kicked him to the curb.
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