Attention all BRITTS--Locust info

nick barta

Chameleon Enthusiast
Site Sponsor
Locust seem to be a regular feeder in UK and Europe. Are these farmed and purchased as a feeder insect, or are you out with a net chasing them down? Any ideas what the nutritional values are? :D
hi mate
these are farmed just for the pet trade.these are my main feeders for the chameleons,i also use crickets aswell

I suppose they could be seen as an invasive alien species, but I wasn't aware they were native in the UK to not be classed as that here. I like them because they are like grasshoppers, so a lot less freaky to handle. Hugo will only eat them every few days though, has to have his crickets as his main diet! :)
Locusts don't live in the wild here! lol Crickets and grasshoppers do but locusts, no! (They live in Africa and other hot countries, not rainy England!)
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