Australian walking stick.... Snack?


Avid Member
i purchased a couple different feeders from @nick barta to keep my Cham interested

Leaf insect- he snacked on that thing after he realized it was an insect.. Pretty entertaining to watch btw
Orange head roaches- not interested at all
Gbr- gut loading hopefully the get a little bigger
Butter worms- loves em
Superworm beetles- not to interested
And of course an Australian walking stick- it's awesome I almost don't want to feed it to him, plus I'm not sure if he would get hurt or choke,, it's pretty big..
If you can offer the super worm beetles just after they come out of pupation and are not black yet the chams will eat them.
Don't feed Australian walking sticks, they have nasty barbs on their legs as a defense mechanism. I am pretty sure the rest of their body is not very palatable either.
Honestly I would just keep the Australian stick as a pet. They just look too neat. The spines probably won't be too appetizing either!
Do Chameleons live in Australia? No? I'd avoid the big sharp looking bug then. Just my .02

I'm not even sure my Bearded Dragon would tackle one of those, looks like nature gave them a way to survive lizards.
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