babies clean up


Retired Moderator
Pictures of the baby quads born 4/7 to 4/9









This is a picture of all 9 babies if you look at all of them.
Oh Laurie - what adorable little things!! I really wish mine would have hatched (1.5 yrs. ago...).
Laurie they are so cute!!!!! I want have babies!!!! I mean not me but I want Jasper to get a lady friend and have babies!!!
Geese those babies are too cute!!!

If you feel overdosed by their cuteness you could always send one or two this way ;)
Thanks all, I love these little babies to bits.

Renzo0684 I am glad you knew Jasper needed a girl to get babies.:eek: A pm to JannB just might hook you up.:)

Jessica if I just can't get rid of them all:rolleyes: I will send the 'left overs" down to you. Did I mention how many I am keeping??????

Tiff I love the spikes and the colors, the pictures don't show it but they are getting very colorful.

I haven't been on the forums much lately so I've missed a few of these threads. They're stunning little ones! :)

Holy cow!! They look great in those pics. I am telling you K. tavetana has to be the slowest growing chameleon on this earth LOL!! Those things are bigger than my 3 month tavs at only one month:eek:
Wow, I'm so sorry for missing this thread! Laurie, amazing work! Tuffy didn't do too bad either!

I love seeing the babies. Makes me all warm and fuzzy. :eek:
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