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You could have knocked my over with a feather when I went to feed and mist my Rudis chameleons this morning and noticed something crawling on the roof of their cage. I had to do a doubletake and make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. YES, there were little rudis babies crawling all over the top of the cage!! What a surprise. My girls looked gravid, but my male's stomach looks alot larger, so I was hard to tell who was expecting. I'm still not sure who had the babies, but one appears alot darker and a little smaller, so I will assume it was her. Right now I have 9 healthy babies. I did notice that one was lying on the bottom of the cage still with a yolk sac. Not sure why this one did not make it. I removed the babies from the big cage and now have them in their own 10 gallon aquarium. They are chowing down on pinheads right now, and I have some fruit flies ordered for them. I will post pictures of them later today!