Baby chameleon color changes


New Member
She is a piebald chameleon and she’s roughly 3 to 5 months old. She has been changing colors and I’m not sure if these are positive changes or negative changes if someone could help me out that would be great



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Looks like she is nervous. I am guessing your talking about the vivid green she is showing?

Have you confirmed gender? No tarsal spurs?
It is a girl!

I’m more talking about the yellow on the side with the dry looking skin, her humidity is always at 50-70.

She probably was nervous I just re-homed her to a better cage, but she has light grey in certain parts, it’s hard to get a picture
It is a girl!

I’m more talking about the yellow on the side with the dry looking skin, her humidity is always at 50-70.

She probably was nervous I just re-homed her to a better cage, but she has light grey in certain parts, it’s hard to get a picture
The yellow is normal coloration. Humidity for a veiled you will want to keep more between 40-50% daytime levels.
Thank you so much! How can I differentiate cracked skin for dry or damaged skin!
So if husbandry is on point you should not see damaged or dry skin on a healthy cham. The only time you will see a change is when they start to go into a shed. When young they progress through a shed very quickly sometimes in a matter of hours. Skin will look chalky then start shedding. Really important not to increase humidity at all or spray her to try to help her. They are dry shedders so adding water/moisture makes it harder for them to have a clean shed.
Duly noted, she’s been eating well and moving around and she just barely finished shedding since I got her and it seems it all went well. I was able to get a picture of her face and it seems dull, I got her from someone who did not property care for her environment so I’m worried I might have to take her to a vet due to the full color
Duly noted, she’s been eating well and moving around and she just barely finished shedding since I got her and it seems it all went well. I was able to get a picture of her face and it seems dull, I got her from someone who did not property care for her environment so I’m worried I might have to take her to a vet due to the full color View attachment 323391
So taking her to a vet for color will end up being a waste of money. Her coloring looks normal for a young Veiled.

If you want to do a husbandry review then let me know and I will post the form for you to fill out in detail. This way we go over all aspects of care and can spot if something is wrong to correct it before there are issues.

Based on the image of her on your hand I am guessing more like 4-5 months old. I am glad your getting her a new enclosure ripped metal screen is dangerous for them.
She's a cutie. It's good you're observing her closely and want to provide the best for her. Read all the threads here and read everything over at the Chameleon Academy website and you'll know the latest and greatest chameleon husbandry info, and give her the best life possible.
Thank you so much for your help, I’ve never had a piebald and so the color changes are new to me, this is her this morning and she has a little more grey- is this to be expected
she accidentally got in the way of her misting machine
She looks fine to me! A little perturbed by the water. 😂

I'd say focus on other things related to her husbandry - like replacing the fake plants with real ones. Her coloration seems fine and will change as she gets older.
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