Baby chameleon going down hill please help


New Member
My chameleon is around 10-11 weeks old i was told shes a velied chameleon and is a very bright green colour brighter than the others she was housed with (if that matters) she hasant had anything to eat for just over a week now shes not very active at all i rarely ever see her ive been trying to feed small locust and mealworms and she wont have none of it if anyone can help. Thanks. Also she has like a bright white line starting under her chin-- the start of her tail and tails never realy curled.
We need more information. Please fill out the questions in the how to ask for help thread at the top of the health forum. Pictures might help too.
Sorry you are having issues with your little one. Try filling out this form so we can see if there are any specifics we can use in our advice.

Pictures of the enclosure can also help! Sometimes it can take a while for a newcomer to feel at home, and if there are things in the enclosure that are not right this can cause stress and make things harder to adjust to. Best of luck with your cham and hope we can help! :)
Ok. I have had my female chameleon for just over a week shes ten weeks old (so the reptile shop say) ive held her 3 times (2min max) i try to feed smal locust and mealworms i dust with a repti plus brand ( havent actualy used yet as she wont eat) ive never seen her drink i mist with warm water 2 a day as read on internet although reptile shop said once a week. As far as her colour goes its very bright green with a white line underneth her dropings ive never seen although there was a white thing on her back leg i saw the other day. The cage is a 3 ft long woodern with glass doors an 2 ft high i use brand new bulbs 8am-8pm. And the temps usualy 80f and nightly 70f-71f. The plants i use are fake. Hope ive answerd the questions well enough
Well, I wouldn't panic yet. Are you cup feeding? If so, do you leave the food there and give her privacy? Where is the enclosure located? She may need some time to feel secure. As for not seeing her drink, this isn't an uncommon thing. When she does poop you will have a dark brown part, and a white part. As long as the white (urate) is not yellowish or orange you can be pretty sure she is hydrated enough. Here are some other links to some basic care. This one is for female veileds. They will need a laying bin even without a male around.
By the way, does the enclosure have a screen top? If you are using a UVB bulb you can't use glass or plastic. UVB won't penetrate.
Ok thanks for the reply im not sure about the bulb i tried uploading a picture there is plenty of branches and very thin vines with lots of leves for hideing most the time i cant find her cant upload though it freezes am useing my. Iphone so not as easy as with laptop i just feel the reptile shop have sold me an ill one also they even dropped her rite infront of me from about 4 foot wich im not sure if has made her ill.... ?
Your little one should be able to handle a fall like that. This is a built in defense that they use to escape danger. They will just drop right off their perch :eek:. Keep an eye out for dark bruising that does not go away for a few days. If you don't see any, you should be O.K. As for the pet shop advice, forget it!!! Look at the care sheets for a great foundation for success. There are a lot of different husbandry techniques out there for veileds, but most are based on these practices. Get a picture of her as soon as you can so we can see if there are any things to worry about.
No whats cup feeding??? I just put 4 locust in there and theyve been there for just over a week now there still there now ive tried mealworms when shes in my hand once or twice and the enclosure doesant have a screen to the uv bulb is inside above the vines shes usualy in
Did you buy this Vivarium for her? They like to be as high up as they can. A taller cage would be best really. Don't worry about that for now, she has plenty of room while she is still little. It might help if you can put it on a table or shelf.......She has cartilage ribs, not bone so she has a natural shock absorber. Stay calm for now. Cup feeding just means feeding her from a container or cup inside the viv. Are you sure she hasn't eaten anything this week? Maybe the locusts are too big for her.....babies usually LOVE fruit flies, can you get any of those?
Here is what I did when Zaphod was a little one. :D
It gives you a way to see if she is eating. I'd put a couple of the meal worms in there with a vine that goes near the rim of the bowl and see if she goes for it. Its tough to see if she is eating if you free range the feeders. Once you know she is eating for sure you can always let her food go in the enclosure again if you choose. I still cup feed, and enough crickets get out to offer some great hunting!!
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