Baby Chameleon, Husbandry?


New Member

In a couple of days I'm going to purchase a 3-4 month old veiled male Chameleon.

I'm wondering about the size of their cage, I've heard that about a 10 gallon glass tank with a fabric mesh lid is suitable for the chameleon. Is this true, or should I be using something else?

Any insight helpful...
At 3-4 months your cham would be less of a baby and more of a juvenile. I would think that a 10 gallon tank would be way too small for him.
I think you should be looking for something in the 40-60 gallon range, and be prepared to upgrade even that to something a lot larger when he is fully grown.
And besides that, glass enclosures are never recommended. It's not just a humidity/ventilation issue: chameleons are sometimes confused by the glass. They don't always understand it as a barrier and this may lead to injuries, and also they may see reflections (of themselves as another intruding cham) and this may cause stress.

Have a read through this:
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