baby crickets


Chameleon Enthusiast
I unfortunately ordered 1000 crickets in the wrong size so i guess im raising baby crickets now 😂, if anyone has any tips or tricks to make them grow faster or to keep them alive longer let me know!
Keep them clean & with excellent air flow.
does reptisoil work as a substrate? i’ve tried using paper toweles before but since they’re so small they tend to go under and die but i’m keeping them in a big plastic tub with great airflow!
I unfortunately ordered 1000 crickets in the wrong size so i guess im raising baby crickets now 😂, if anyone has any tips or tricks to make them grow faster or to keep them alive longer let me know!View attachment 351364

i reordered the 1000 crickets in the correct size with some silkworms and i couldn’t be happier with how they came! is a very good feeder website as long with framchams (silkworms) and rainbow mealworms for crickets!
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