Baby Jacksons


New Member
Hey everyone,

I just got a new jacksons chameleon. This is my first jacksons, but I have a veiled. My jacksons is very active, but it seems like he is very stressed, has a dark color to him. Temperature and humidity are perfect, but he seems to open his mouth a lot. basking temperature is 80-85, and lower areas are 73-77. I was wondering if there are any tips? I am new to this species. Do you think too many crickets could potentially stress him out too much ?

don't give him too many crickets, that could be stressful, especially if they are too big- how old is he? what size crickets and how many are you feeding him? he will need some time to adjust to his new home, so be sure not to handle him any more than necessary and give him plenty of "alone" time. be sure he's not dehydrated - was he wild caught or captive bred? how often and how long are you misting? what does the nighttime temp drop to in his enclosure?

also, the young jackson's are generally fairly dark colored...
He is at least 6 months old, could be younger, but no younger than 4 months. He is eating medium sized crickets. I have about 8 or less medium sized crickets in his cage. However they all like to hang out near his basking site. Captive bred. misting 3 times a day for about 2 minutes. night time temperature drops from around 60-55.
could be a RI. i didnt read through your whole post yet so i may go back and change this. is their a crackleing/popping sound? any weezing? they will open their mouths to breath. i have delt with this before and it can be stressful. will need to be treated asap. again let me read through. hold on...

ok. if you just got him it could def be an RI. i would post in the health section a new thread and go through the how to ask for help. post about everything and see if you can be helped better. if your temps are perfect he's not over heating. he could be gapeing and angry. but you've owned before so im assumeing you know the differnce. goodluck.
everything sounds good as far as husbandry, the crickets do tend to hang out near the basking lights for warmth. I'd go with the suggestion from okiroo and post in the health section for advice.
personally, i wouldnt leave in anymore cricks than he is likely to eat in the next half hr or so. it would be good to get away from cricks altogether if you can.

as far as size, too small is better than too big. so imo i would stick to smaller feeders like 1/2" until he is better established. also remember he will be most comfortable if he is able to get above eye level, so if practical, you should try to get the top of his cage at least 6' off the ground , i usually just recommend a 4' cage on a 2' stand , so you can place a drainage bucket under it.
imo the biggest issue facing newer xanth keepers is the likelyhood of over supplementation.

if practical, one of the best things you can do is get discontinue supped D3 and get him at least 3-4 hrs of natural sun a week.

if you are having a specific problem with him you should repost in the health clinic using the help form. jmo
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