baby mouse vs anole


New Member
Im wondering if it would be ok to give Mr ester a live baby mouse instead of an anole? Or would the anole be better?? It just seems to me like the mouse might have more meat than an anole???

Anti-feed your cham things besides insects people please try to refrain from making Unnecessary comments about how horrible it is. Ester has had 3 anoles and he is just fine. He is not impacted and he has great color and poops EVERYDAY
Codi, pink mice are primarily fat, the anoles are probly more nutritious if you intend to do reg. LOL @ softer bones, they barely have any. Wouldnt be any difficulty in digesting a mouses bones if the cham was big enough to eat it and healthy.

That said, The occasional pink mouse probably wouldnt hurt, might be helpful with an animal that needs to gain fat reserve, post/pre pregnancy etc, but if your chams diet is healthy and you plan well, you ensure the female is in good condition anyway.

Wouldnt find many chameleons eating pink mice being arborial.
Chams do eat baby birds and small lizards in the wild so I agree that feeding a high protein item every now and then is actually a good thing. The only benefit I can see to using a mouse instead of a baby bird or lizard, would be your less likely to have parasites passed from the feeder to the reptile. I know you can get clean feeder lizards from some places online, but not many pet stores have them. This makes using a mouse just easier.
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