Baby panther shows better colors in direct Sun light


New Member
Hows it going guys, so today i took out my baby panther out into the sun and it seems to show amazing colors in the sun, on the contrary inside my home with the UVB light his colors arent as extraordinary as outside. what is the reason for this? do i need something else in my viv in order to have him show those colors inside? thanks!!
Well for one, it's much brighter outside, UBV lights give the right spectrum of colors but are never as bright as it would be outside.

If you want to have more light in your enclosure, look into using a dual light fixture, and add a 6500k T5 bulb, which will give off a much brigther light that resembles sunlight more.
sunlight is best

the sun is always going to make the color look better. we can never fully mimic natural light. I took my veiled out in the sun as much as I could (he was not caged) and I bought a big cage for my Nosy be so he can use it as a sun cage for out doors when he is no longer caged.
Thanks so much guys, yeah i was thinking of getting a 6500k T5 bulb along with his UVB i think that would help him.. but i do try to take him out atleast 3 times a week for about 2 hours it seems like he really enjoys it!
If its warm and you have time. Put the cham outside. Its very good for them. In summer my cham is outside everyday under supervision in there cages. IF its really hot out the cage partiality in the shad and mist.
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