Baby panthers hatching - please help !


New Member
Well, after a whole lot of time and investment I am finally having some Paradalis hatching ! I know that panthers are supposed to be fairly simple to reproduce but I have been trying to breed them for over two years with only ONE baby so far (a random good egg amongst slugs !).
So far I have had two hatch (over the last 5 days) and a third is pipping as I write this.
As mentioned in an earlier thread I have battled issues of "mild" MBD amongst my MALES ONLY (males reared from hatchlings). As far as I can tell, I have been over-supplementing with D3 (using appropriate UVB lighting but dusting insects too frequently).
At any rate, can anyone help me, posssibly with some links, to some "foolproof" feeding/gutloading/supplementing schedule with regards to raising hatchlings ? Is there a more simple, healthy homemade gutload that I can make for my crix where I don't have to chase down 35 different ingredients from various health stores ?
Any input is greatly appreciated and I will be sure to post pics of the little ones !
Gutload using fresh veggies (kale, sweet potatoes, carrots, mustard greens, NO SPINACH) etc...

Make sure your UVB light is about 7-10" above the babies-any further away and it really is not doing very much if you are using a 5.0 bulb.

I do not supplement anyone the first week or so. Then it is something like this...
Mon-Calcium with no D3
Wed Calcium with D3
Friday-Calcium with no D3

The 3rd or 4th week I add Herptivite on Saturday.

I dust very, very lightly for all of my chameleons. Good luck! I have month olds and babies hatching today.
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