Baby Panther's Tongue Not Functioning Properly/ Will only eat Superworms


I have a 5 month old baby panther from Kammerflage Kreations. His name is Louie, and something is wrong with his tongue and his appetite. I am in desperate need, as he is not an adult yet.
Chameleon Info:
  • The Chameleon - Louie is a Male Panther Chameleon that is 5 months of age. I have been caring for him for 3 months.
  • Handling - I handle him every 1-2 days depending on how much time I have. When he is out, I almost always take him outside in the sun. He panics and tries to run at first, then goes to just crawling all over my body, to just being chill on my hands. This process usually happens within the course of five minutes, and then I keep him outside for half an hour.
  • Feeding - He used to be fed medium-large crickets every day. He usually ate anywhere from 3-5. Sometimes 5-7. They were gutloaded on apple, kale, carrots, and strawberry. However, since I fed him his first Superworm, he won't touch crickets. He usually eats 2-4 worms a day. I'm worried because he isn't getting calcium supplements.
  • Supplements - It used to be the typical supplement schedule that everyone uses, but now its nothing because he won't touch crickets. I'm considering dusting the worms.
  • Watering - I heavily mist his cage once per day where he always drinks plenty of water.
  • Fecal Description - Large, dark feces with large, white urates. Perfect poop. He does not poop very often, however. I've only had one chameleon, so I don't know if that's bad or not. It's usually every 2-3 days.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Screen cage, 3 1/2 feet tall, 2 feet wide, 2 feet deep.
  • Lighting - He gets UVB 5.0 and 87 degree basking lights from 7 - 7:30ish
  • Temperature - Anywhere not under the basking bulb is about 75, and under the basking bub is about 87-89
  • Humidity - I do not measure humidity, because I don't believe its necessary as I know what he needs it to be muggy with periods of dry. I leave him relatively dry with only the giant pothos in his cage maintaining a little humidity from 7-4. At 4, I mist his cage until everything is dripping wet. I usually empty an entire spray bottle of warm water. He is starting to enjoy getting in the water. He always drinks, and never turns dark or throws a fit when he gets misted.
  • Plants - One huge Pothos plopped in the center of the cage.
  • Placement - The enclosure is in my room next to the door. However, I don't really go into my room that often, so the door isn't an issue. I used a vent controller attachment to direct air flow away from his cage.
  • Location - I live in Southwest Virginia. The Blue Ridge Mountains surround everything you can see. Humidity is usually on the higher side, and the temps are so very absolutely bipolar. Literally 70 degrees 3 days ago, snow the next day.

Current Problem - Young Louie has been having some issues lately with his diet. On top of not eating things that are healthy for him, he is hardly able to eat them. He used to be able to shoot his tongue about 5-6 inches to catch a bug and hit every time. He now seems to only get it out about and inch, and always misses. He has to be almost on top of the worm to get it in his mouth. He still can snag things with his tongue, just in extremely close proximity. I also noticed his tongue used to be a very light blue/beige, and now it is purple and bigger.

As far as feeders go, he will only eat worms now. I feed him 4-5 Superworms per day, but he will no longer eat crickets. Part of me suspects it is because he cant really use his tongue anymore, and the other part of me just thinks that he likes worms better. From what I've read, they are hard to digest and not nutritionally acceptable for a young fellow like himself. I don't really have access to any other type of bugs, besides the ones I can find outside. When summer comes along, I'll be sure to cop him some grasshoppers, but for now I fear MBD. Any help is greatly appreciated as he is my pride and joy.
Until you get some expert advice, try searching "purple tongue" above. I did so and got quite a few posts and entire threads about chameleons with purple, swollen, & problem tongues.

Good luck!
IMHO you need to improve on what you are feeding the insects. You can use a wide range of greens such as collards, escarole, endive, dandelion greens, kale, etc and veggies such as carrots, sweet red pepper, squash, zucchini, sweet potato, etc.
There can be several reasons for not being able to use the tongue such as injury, infection, nutrient imbalance or even dehydration.
Please post a recent photo.
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