Baby temps


New Member
The veiled caresheet says 76-78 *basking bulb usually not needed* for a 3-5 month old veiled male. Is this correct? I currently have his basking spot at 85 using a 30watt household bulb. He seems very content with it. He wakes up around 8am, then immediatly starts basking and eating. He continues to bask until 12 or 1 in the afternoon. At which point he jogs(literally) around his cage for about thirty minutes. Then he goes into the safety of his dense umbrella plant until 8pm which is bedtime. Does he hide in his plant for the second half of the day because he is to hot? Or is he just doing chameleon things in there. Thanks!
thats just fine :) this is the link to the new chameleon care resources's veiled caresheet and it says 85 is the right basking temp for that age
i would say he's just doing his chami things lol if he feels warm he can self regulate by moving around, the joys of having a basking spot thats warmer and the rest of the enclosure a little cooler!!
hows he been doing?
Ohhh I must have been looking at an older one, thank you!He is definitely up to something in there haha. He has been doing great actually, finally got him to eat his roaches which was a relief. Still quite shy but im fine with that, we have all the time in the world to work on that one. By the way I got your pm with that thread, it was excellent I hope it continues.
yes you were looking at the one we gave everyone before the chameleon care resources were finished! :) he's doing his cham thang lol. glad to here he's doing good and tried the roaches! did he seem to like them? yup thats right, he'll get to the point where he's more comfortable with you. each one has their own personality but as they grow they generally lose some of the shyness. oh good im glad you liked it! i do too its an interesting thread and i think it makes sense, freeranging seems to me that it would help build skittish chams confidence. im certainly gonna try it out!
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