Baby Veiled From LLL Reptile Died Tonight.

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I just wanted to post this. I purchased a baby veiled cham less than 2 weeks ago from LLL Reptile at the reptile show in Tucson, AZ. I have posted a few threads on here since about health concerns and listed my husbandry, which I will list again at the bottom of this post. According to all of the replies I had gotten, my husbandry and setup was completely fine. I noticed this morning that he was clutching a leaf that he uses every day to drink from, but now really moving very much to climb vines. I picked him up to clean out his cage and make sure his urates from the day before were white, which they were. I put a couple dusted crickets in with him, and left for work.

When I came home, none of the crix were gone, the temps were great and the humidity was at 50%, but my little guy was laying on the floor of his cage, sprawled out with his eyes barely open. I picked him up and help him for a couple of minutes while he gasped, and then spit out half of his tongue, and died.

I don't know what I did wrong, or if he was sick when I bought him and it just came to a head tonight, but I am very sad. I wanted to know if anyone has any opinions on this. I really feel like I did everything right for him, and my husband is very upset, and thinks that he was sick when we got him. Just a few days ago, another user was posting about getting a cham from the same dealer, same cage, same show, and his cham was acting the same way mine was since I got him. Always basking, regardless of temp, and not eating more than a few crickets.

Please give me your advice... And don't worry, if I did something to cause this, I wll never be getting another cham. I only had this little guy for two weeks and my heart is breaking for him. If I truly am just a terrible pet owner, I will listen to you, and give up on this.

Thanks in advance.

Chameleon Info:

1. Veiled Chameleon, male, 2-3 months old. Has been in my care for 4 days

2. I handle him once a day, to get him used to it. and to clean out his cage. He is on my hand for maybe 2 minutes a day.

3. He is eating small crickets, gutloaded with a mixture of collard greens and butternut squash. I have been putting about 8 crickets in his cage a day, about 20 minutes after lights on, but I have only seen him eating 1-2 a day. Today, they have been in for 10 hours, and about 5 are still there. He is however shedding right now.

4. I am dusting the crickets with Rep-Cal Calcium without D3 every day, and plan on dusting with Rep-Cal Herptivite, and Rep-Cal Calcium with D3 on alternating Saturdays.

5. I use a fogger for about half the day in 2 hour increments to boost the humidity, as well as give him drinking water, as the mist condenses on the top of the screen and drips onto leaves. I also spray 3-4 times per day, for about 2 minutes each, after the plants have dried fully. I have seen him drinking almost every day.

6. On the first day his poop was firm, black, and his urates were yellow. Ever day since, his poop has been firm and black, and his urates are white/cream colored. I have not had him tested for parasites, however I do not know if the breeder (LLL Reptiles) did.

7. The past few days he has spent most of his time basking. I have since gotten a different wattage light and upped the basking temp, and he is slightly more active.

Cage Info:

1. The cage is an all screen cage, similar to a reptibreeze. Unsure of the brand. It is 16" wide, 16" deep, and 18" tall

2. For Heat I use a 60 watt household bulb about 10" away from the basking spot. For UVB I use a Reptisun 5.0 coil light in a reflective dome. Lights are on at 6am and off at 7-8pm

3. Basking spot is 83 degrees, I am unsure of the bottom of the cage. At night I am not sure of the lowest temp, but my home gets to about 70 degrees, and with the humidity in the cage, I would assume it is around 60-65 degrees. I use a digital probe thermometer/hygrometer to measure temp.

4. Humidity varies from about 30% to 70%. I maintain this with hand spraying, and a fogger. I use a digital probe thermometer/hygrometer to measure humidity.

5. The enclosure has a pothos in it that takes up a large portion of the cage, as well as some fake vines.

6. The cage is in my office where I work 8 hours a day. It is not near fans or vents, but it is near a window that does not get opened. The top of the cage is about 4 ft off the ground.

7. I live in Tucson AZ.
My guess would be your little one was sick when you got him unfortunately. You really did not have him long enough to cause anything that would have caused his death that I can see. I do not want to down LLL Reptile but this could be the case. Parasites are a possibility, among other things that are not visible by the human eye. First of all, you have done nothing wrong from what I can see and obviously loved your little one. I hope you will reconsider having another. Give yourself sometime and maybe you will change your mind. You seem very caring and you could give another one a great home I am sure. Sometimes things happen that are just beyond our control and have nothing to do with the way we care for our animals. I am sorry you had to go through this and please don't be hard on yourself.
One other thing to remember if you do decide to get another is to fully sanitize the enclosure and anything you used in his care. If it were me I would also discard and replace any plants since they may have focal matter in them. No point taking any risks going forward.

I do think you should get another Cham when you are ready. I too feel this is nothing you have done. Give yourself a break you seem like a smart and caring parent. any Cham will be lucky to call you mommy!
So sorry to hear this... Do you have pictures of the enclosure? Maybe we could try to investigate a little more. Also how big was the veiled length wise?
Also I would up the basking temp to about 90 for a veiled. They can move to other cooler spots if they please so I think 83 is kind of low...
I'm sorry to hear that you lost your little cham. I totally agree with the others that this was not your fault. You did everything you possibly could. When you've had time to grieve for this little baby, consider getting another chameleon. Perhaps 4 months old or older, because they're a little less delicate. There are plenty of people on this site with young ones.
Based on what I read in your posts, I see a keeper who is excellent in approach and the care of this specific cham. I would say that I did not care for my first dozen chams as well as you did for your first, so don't beat yourself up.

LLL should replace your cham, call them.

One obstacle your are going to have to face is this: Can you handle the predictable losses that come with chams, or is it too hard on you as a person? I would agree with ChamLady and Nickylou that you need to wait to evaluate this, or you will walk away due to the emotion of the loss.

I don't breed chams because the loss rate can be high, and I lost a bunch of babies and determined for me, as a person, it was better to not be a breeder.

I think you are, and will be a great keeper, but no matter what we do, there will be losses. Get past this loss, and hang in there.

sounds like there was already something wrong with him, but personally i would phone them and explain to them that he must of been already ill before he even arrived :/

also i would change the Reptisun 5.0 coil light in a reflective dome. i've read that these coil lights can blind them, dont worry this would not of been the fault with this case.

i personally would go see the chameleon your buying before purchasing him/her and check all signs of health on them and also once brought not sure how expensive but you could book them straight in for a vet health check to identify anything they may have instantly this way your double the safe.

but seriously try not let it dishearten you, from everything you have said sounds like you did everything fine
Hey have you emailed them or let them know what happened? im sure if you told them immediately about what had happened they may give you a refund or another chameleon. Most big breeders like LLReptiles will have at least a 30 day guarantee, and you only had him for not even half that. so thats what i would do. from the sound of it you are definitely capable of housing a chameleon, its terrible he died the way he did, reading that was kind of painful. but contact them immediately, hopefully you have some type of box, receipt or something you can show them to prove you purchased it from them.
We lost our first cham after less than 6 months and really beat ourselves up as a result. It was about a year before I could bring myself to try again. I did research, here and elsewhere, checked out several breeders and finally went with an FLChams. Our boy is about 2 1/2 years old now and the pride of our home. One thing I did differently was to get ReptAid tonic and give it to him once a month. The dose is very small but it helps keep parasites down. I only use Repashy feed products. His bask spot is around 89f but he basks off center most of the time. I use only 60w bulb and ReptiGlo 5.0 beside it. There are several layers of vines for him to change temps on his own. Lots of real and fake vines and a misting system that runs about every 3 hours during the daytime only.
As others have suggested, talk to LLL Reptile and see if they could help you out with this. They are a noted breeder with a good reputation to my knowledge. They are on Fb also. Reach out to them for help! Hang in there.
I lost my first baby after months of bad husbandry from myself, before i learned about chams i bought the poor little guy and put him in a 10 gallon fish tank with a 75w bulb and a night bulb, and no supplements.

You have nothing to kick yourself about it, the poor guy wasn't of good health from whomever you bought it from.
I would call LLL and ask for a replacement. If you want a replacement you best do it now. as they will not replace it in a couple months. Also you might consider offering the additional $10 or $15 and getting just one size larger. The would be one that is started off a bit better.
First - always sorry to hear about someone losing anything :( While it has been weeks - did you ever check with us in that time to let us know you were having trouble? Call us for advice instead of just asking here, or call us before posting about it passing? That is always the key question for us as if we don't hear from someone - it makes it tough for us to help when we had no chance to offer advice on our own regardless of other advice you received. Also - you picked out the baby in person. This wasn't shipped sight unseen, which makes it that much more difficult. Even if we were to offer a replacement - shipping costs as much as the chameleon does since you are not local to us. Our baby veileds are very well started, not fresh out of the egg. But 100% of babies are not going to survive, and there are a zillion reasons why. Part of keeping chameleons as everyone here knows. They can go from looking perfect to not so much in less than 24 hours.

Give us a call when you get a chance. Happy to go over stuff with you via phone and see what we can do. Ask for Kate. 888-54-Reptile. My thought would be the same as Laurie's. Be willing to pay more for one of the "medium" males we have right now if you don't want to deal with a baby again. They are absolutely awesome, not full grown, and in ideal shape. But - with shipping, and the cost difference, not sure if that would be too much for you or not. Either way - give Kate a call to see what we can figure out for you. We are pretty easy going and always happy to help regardless. Thanks again

LLLReptile & Supply
If u do not get things resolved with them and do not get a replacement , pm me and I will give u a baby veiled , I have some incredibly huge ones so I will send u one of those , u just cover the shipping
To didn't do anything wrong at all! Loll is a reputable breeder and it makes me wonder if maybe indeed they have parasites and didn't know about it. I had a female get pinworms from a bad cricket supply, and she died . It was devastating. :( also as a pre caution I am switching from real plants to fake ones because the organic soil carries some nasty critters sometimes
If u do not get things resolved with them and do not get a replacement , pm me and I will give u a baby veiled , I have some incredibly huge ones so I will send u one of those , u just cover the shipping

Wow. That is really nice of you

the big reptile breeder can't pop out another chameleon lol
To didn't do anything wrong at all! Loll is a reputable breeder and it makes me wonder if maybe indeed they have parasites and didn't know about it. I had a female get pinworms from a bad cricket supply, and she died . It was devastating. :( also as a pre caution I am switching from real plants to fake ones because the organic soil carries some nasty critters sometimes
Parasites in babies is often rare as the pinhead crickets they feed on have a small chance of contracting parasites. I would say the problem was the coil bulb they are to hard on babies eyes.
If you all have noticed, the OP has never responded since the first post so probably has never seen any of this!!!
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