Baby veiled male and female pics

Dylan Dutz

New Member
Can you guys post some pics of what a 1 and a half month old male and female veiled looks like, specifically a picture of the tarsul spur on the male. I would like to compare the pics to my veiled to make sure that my veiled is a male.
How old is this one? I don't think my veiled is a month and a half old yet if that's a month and a half old cham in the picture. My cham is still really tiny, maybe only a month.
that is a picture of an baby.
just shrink the picture down and a baby male would look just like that.
it can be seen at birth. just look for a little "bump".
you could always post a close up of his back leg and we can tell you.

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Here he is, eight weeks old,

In the spur picture you are seeing thumb knuckle (where it connects to your hand)
I think this is Kitty's tarsal spur anyway ...I have a bunch of images that aren't mine ... it was labeled 8 weeks old ... hmmmm.
At any rate ... does your chameleon have the spur?

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It should be more obvious than that and shouldn't require magnification to see.
Can you post a picture?

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