baby veiled nose ?


New Member
I have a 3 month old male who sometimes has a white solid substance that comes from his nostrils not mucus though and he doesnt apear week or sick
I have a 3 month old male who sometimes has a white solid substance that comes from his nostrils not mucus though and he doesnt apear week or sick

is it powder like?
It might be the case of too much calcium..
OK, since that maybe the case, what would you recommend for a schedule. I use Rep-Cal calcium w/d-3, w/out D-3 and Herpivite. I have a 2-3 month old Veiled. I have been using calcium w/d-3 tue./thurs, calcium w/out D-3 mon/wed/fri, and Herptivite once a week. I was going to keep this schedule till he was 5 months old or so. So what should I switch to?

I do cal without d3 2-3 times a week, minerals 2 times a week and with d3 once a week...
Too litte?

I stick with calcium with d3 2x a week and reptivite 1x a week. I know it's not too much, but should I do more. Oh, i have a male veiled. Is there calcium demand a little higher than male panther?
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