Baby veiled


New Member
Hey guys,
I have successfully raised a male Jacksons and thought I was ready for a veiled. I got one 5 days ago now (3 month old male) and he doesn't appear to be doing well. I have a 75 watt but as well as a uva bulb on the reptibreeze enclosure. I put crickets in, and they are disappearing, so I assume that he is eating though I have yet to see him do so. He has remained almost black since I got him (at a reptile show nearby) and just sits at the top of the cage with very little movement. Maybe it's something he'll grow out of, but I don't think he's doing very well. Any advice? Thank!
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You said UVA bulb...i hope you mean UVB? How big is the cage?
Welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to hear that your new veiled is not doing well. I don't recommend buying baby veileds at reptile shows. I see people selling them that look like they came out of the egg yesterday and they tell people they are 3 months old. Please post some photos of your chameleon and his enclosure and fill out the Ask For Help form linked below so that we can better help you. The more detail you give to each answer the better so we can try to figure out what might be going on.
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