Back to good health!


New Member
Just got a new male that I bought from the pet store under horrible conditions. After spending time with him I've decided his name is Akono :).

I've fed and given him water for about a week now and hes looking much better. Enjoy!

After today's morning shower
I think he's happy :)
He's a good looking guy, nice horns :) How old is little Akono?
He's a good looking guy, nice horns :) How old is little Akono?

Thank you:) I'm actually not too sure. Now that he's in better health he looks a bit younger than when I got him. But I wanna take a guess that he's close to adult hood. Maybe 8-9 months? Guestimation :p
Water really seems to be something he's needed. Just checked out the morning poop (I indeed call it that every morning) looking fairly white but I think a little more water an hell be set. Two drop spots and 4 long Mistings a day should do it I think :D
I thought the pet shop wouldn't have been able to give you an accurate idea.......good guess though, I guess :D
This is awesome! Personally i hate buying animals from a pet store but I got one of mine at a pet store because he looked just awful and he's doing great now. I think that's awesome that you helped him!
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