Bamboo safe ?


New Member
I want to put a bamboo plant in my enclosure. I saw that "Heavenly Bamboo" was on the safe plant list but not sure if all varieties are safe. Im cool to put this in there right?
I don't think alot of people use bamboo cause it tends to be slippery. Something with bark that they can dig their nails too is more sturdy I suppose.

Bamboo is sure aesthetically pleasing though, that's why I wanted to use some.
djfunkshowkid, brings up a good point that there are a lot of varieties to avoid, like that one, and like lucky bamboo you can grow in water and make cool shapes with, that's toxic too.

Normal bamboo is safe, and the slipperiness won't matter because it will have LOTS of branches and leaves for your chameleon to grip on to.
where can i get some normal bamboo then?? i saw some bamboo at this chinese store in the mall, but that might be the "lucky" bamboo your talking about cuz they had em in all shapes/designs.. got one for my aunt once, but guess that kind is toxic to my chameleon?
I have seen on other breeder sites that Heavenly Bamboo is a safe plant. Can anyone help clarify this?
You can also go to a local arts and crafts store and buy some bamboo sticks. They sell them for about $10 for a bundle of 6 or 7.

Unless you want your bamboo to be live, check with your local grocery stores, they carry that stuff.
The ones I always find at the craft stores & dollar stores are dyed. I bought a couple and rinsed them off and the dye didn't run, but I was able to wipe it off with a cloth...what do you think? Useable?
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