basking question


New Member
My six week old veiled is shedding for the first time "yea". My question is however he has been basking almost exclusively under his uvb light for the past 48 hours. I was worried about "sunburn". he has a 5% reptisun compact fluorescent bulb it is only 85 degrees under this lamp but is the uvb that i'm worried about.
well i would rase the regualar basking bulbs temp to 95 and also i have witnesed my cham seek out his uvb source and sit there for hours i dont think you have to worry about sun burn chams have scales and not skin.

In general, if he is 6"-12" inches away from a good Reptisun 5.0, he will get enough UVB to assist in D3 production. If he was an inch away all day from that tube then I'd be a little concerned that he might be too close.

EDIT: Let me add to what I said... I see that you have a compact UVB. The UVB intensity of those "folded-up" tubes is higher that the standard 18" Reptisun 5.0 linear tube. I would make sure that he can't just sit under it all day if the distance is less than 6".
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Dave i should have been more clear. his basking site is 95-100. it is just 85 degrees undeer the uv lamp. Thank you very much for your tim and for replying to my thread

It is my opinion that for a six week old veiled 85 degrees should be the hottest temp in the enclosure.
Personally, I would be working to bring the temps down (70 to 75 ambient and 80 to 85 basking).
When they are young they need it a bit cooler.
I would pull all the lights way back....I didn't even give my veiled a basking light till he was about 4 months old.
Also night time temps should be 60 to 65 degrees.

In general, if he is 6"-12" inches away from a good Reptisun 5.0, he will get enough UVB to assist in D3 production. If he was an inch away all day from that tube then I'd be a little concerned that he might be too close.

EDIT: Let me add to what I said... I see that you have a compact UVB. The UVB intensity of those "folded-up" tubes is higher that the standard 18" Reptisun 5.0 linear tube. I would make sure that he can't just sit under it all day if the distance is less than 6".

While looking for something else, I ran across the original source of the info that I was remembering about for my comment about compact UVB fluorescent lamps and danger distances:
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