bb flies


Avid Member
do bb flies actually eat when they are in the adult fly stage ? or just lay eggs ?, and does what they ate as maggots matter after they have metamorphasized into adult flies ? i have the opportunity to get hundreds of maggots out of my friends fishing fridge, but am concerened as to the safety of feeding the adult flies to the chams
people in the uk use these all the time as they are easy feeders,ive heard that you can only use the white ones,as the other ones have been dyed with colours.
i couldnt tell you what they eat,but normally they are just left in the saw dust in my maggot box and they turn to casters and then to flies.

do bb flies actually eat when they are in the adult fly stage ? or just lay eggs ?, and does what they ate as maggots matter after they have metamorphasized into adult flies ? i have the opportunity to get hundreds of maggots out of my friends fishing fridge, but am concerened as to the safety of feeding the adult flies to the chams

yes bb flies will eat.
I usually gutload them before feeding them to chams.
They love everything that is sweet (sugar water/ honey).
I gutload them with baby cereal, honey, half boiled eggs, and plain yogurt. All blended to smooth consistency.

I am not sure if it matters of what they eat as a maggot. but, i would err on safety. I do know that the flies come out of the pupae stage hungry..

flies are one of the feeder that my chams always looking forward.
have no intention of feeding the maggots to the chams, because their food source was KNOWN to be unwholesome , the question was, does that carry over into the adult stage , or does it become a non issue after metamorphasis, and do the flies eat once they are adults?
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