BEAUTIFUL Wild Bradypodion Damaranum!!:)


Hi everyone, i want to wish you all a blessed 2014, i know it's a
bit late but better late than never :p

While i was on vacation in Knysna i foundthis beautiful young male Knysna Dwarf Chameleon and i just could not let him go before i took a few pictures:D

So sad that i cannot keep this species dew to the laws in my country

Apparently they are thriving in the piece of the forest near the place i was staying at.. according the locals anyway.

Sooo here's the pics (not the best quality, he was way more turquoise in real life and his head was a real nice pink!)

These pic's does not do him justice:(
What a great find! I would love to see one in person someday. Bradypodion are my favorite!
I envy you getting to see and hold him in the wild. That is Just a beautiful Cham .thanks so much for thinking of us.
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