Bee hive!


Chameleon Enthusiast
My wife and I are building a beehive to be placed near the outdoor enclosures. Coupled with the bee specific flowering plants we are using in the enclosures, we’re hoping to our chams will be able to tag some wild bees. Any bee keepers out there with some advice?
If you built a beehive you could set it in proximity to the one you get, in due time you will have 2, you can get honey from one of em and wax and propolis....etc...
Wax worms are a terrible nuisance to beekeepers lol.. great for feeders though!!
I can attest, they seriously damage frames.

I suggest watching Vinos farm, you can follow his beekeeping saga from the beginning, and even starting out, the dude knows his stuff.

Fredrick Dunn is another beekeeper on YouTube to follow.
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