bee pollen


Avid Member
does anyone know a good site to purchase bee pollen from? I am looking to use it in my cricket gutload but have also heard of people using it to dust feeders sometimes. any ideas of where to get it and which of the 2 ways to get bee pollen to my chams is the best.
any drug store will have it. just crush up the pills and dust the food source
its great for hunger strikes
imo, ebay is the best place for pollen. the local health food stores usually sell it for about $25-30 lb, sometimes the discount supplement places (like super-supplements) have it for cheaper. you can buy a pound of pesticide free bee pollen on ebay for less than $ 15 lb shipped, probably cheaper if you looked at enough listings. i have seen 10 lb bags on ebay for as little as $45. sometimes walgreens has it on sale. i use it in gutload, but i do not dust with it. i think it is just better suited to gutloading. jmo
Idk if you have like a farmers market but I know alot of cities in different
states have a farmers maket on certain days.
Any ways at farmer markets theres alot of local veggies, hand made jewelry, AND local bee keeper products
I got a fully big baggy of bee pollen for 25 bucks at my farmers market :p
what is so great about bee pollen? this is the first time i heard about it. is it good for you cham?
imo, ebay is the best place for pollen. the local health food stores usually sell it for about $25-30 lb, sometimes the discount supplement places (like super-supplements) have it for cheaper. you can buy a pound of pesticide free bee pollen on ebay for less than $ 15 lb shipped, probably cheaper if you looked at enough listings. i have seen 10 lb bags on ebay for as little as $45. sometimes walgreens has it on sale. i use it in gutload, but i do not dust with it. i think it is just better suited to gutloading. jmo

The only way they could say it's pesticide free, Is to track every bee and every flower they went to. There is no organic bee pollen or honey.
Think about it.
Hi i brought bee pollen from ebay for 1:99 for 150g well worth it i crush it down into dust and mix it with oats (readybreak) as it is sugar free..
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