Behavior Questions...


New Member
Ok, so my new veiled guy has been doing well I think. I didn't know what a great personality chameleons can have. I have been making some adjustments (I had a drainage issue and got water freakin' everywhere) to his cage and he must come down and inspect every little change I make, it's pretty funny. He also has picked out his "hang out" spot and his sleeping spot and has become quite predictable.

But I just have a few questions...

1) I have noticed him eating dirt on several occasions from my potted plant. I was a bit alarmed, is this normal? Should I worry?

2) He gets all crazy as soon as I open the door, he runs (I use the verb run loosely since we are dealing with a cham) hides, and changes colors. Signs of stress I am sure. Is this normal for CB chams? Will they "outgrow" this phase?

3) I am free range feeding, should I be worried about the crix taking chunks out of my guy if he doesn't eat them all?

4) He is COMPLETELY out cold when he sleeps, I busted out my camera and was snapping away and he never budged or so much as opened his eye, when he is a jumpy little man every time else. Do chameleons usually deep sleep like that?

Anyways, thanks and I guess I can't resist throwing in a sleeping pic of him:D :

All chams are individuals. Three of mine sleep very deeply, one will wake at the slightest noise. None of mine have been as jumpy as yours seems to be, but it may just take time for him to adjust to you. Be sure your dirt doesn't have any fertilizer or insecticides in it. Be sure it doesn't have any vermiculite, perlite of foam balls in it. Also check that he's not shooting at gnats. Chamelions will eat dirt for whatever reason, but shouldn't harm him if it's not contaminated. I cover mine with large lava stones you can get at home depot for three bucks for a large bag. Hope that helps some. He looks to be about three months old and is a handsome devil. You won't believe how much he'll grow in the next month. Good luck. David
Be sure your dirt doesn't have any fertilizer or insecticides in it. Be sure it doesn't have any vermiculite, perlite of foam balls in it. Also check that he's not shooting at gnats. Chamelions will eat dirt for whatever reason, but shouldn't harm him if it's not contaminated. I cover mine with large lava stones you can get at home depot for three bucks for a large bag. Hope that helps some. He looks to be about three months old and is a handsome devil. You won't believe how much he'll grow in the next month. Good luck. David

Thanks for the compliments, but I am a bit worried about the dirt... I just bought two small potted plants from Wal-Mart as is (the only thing I did was wash off the leaves real well, with pesticides in mind), I didn't even think their would be a problem if they put in Miracle Gro or something, I didn't imagine a cham eating dirt. So do you think I have a prob?

Also you said he will grow quite a bit, he only eats 5-6 .5 inch crickets a day, is that enough or should he be eating more? He also just shed, does that decrease their appetite?

Sorry again for all the Q's... Im still learning though :)
Eating dirt is sometimes a sign that he needs some sort of nutrient and he's trying to get it from the dirt. Read on Brad Ramsey's site about supplements.

Also, they can be irritable when they shed, so that's normal.
It's hard to say if your going to have a problem with him eating dirt with fertilizer as you don't know if he ingested any or how much. It's something you need to correct right away though. Shedding does tend to slow down their eating. His food intake seems to be on the low side if he continues to eat that amount after the shed. They usually eat a LOT at this age. Just keep an eye on him and maybe swithch up his feeders. He should look a little plump. From your picture, he looks very healthy. I don't see any problems with him visually. Good luck. David
I would also recommend that you take out the plants (from the pots) wash all the dirt off and replace with organic soil. You can get that right from Walmart as well. Ask the one in charge of gardening if they use fertilzer and when and how much. If they have recently used some, i would suggest waiting a few months after repotting to use the plant. Veiled are also known for eating foliage as well.

Ok, So I took the plants out yesterday. My question is how do you guys fertilize your plants, if fertilizers are bad? Are there organic fertilizers? It would seem that a plant may become unhealthy without ferts, or at least most house plants do...

Also, while I am posting, how many crickets do your young, growing chams eat? I started cup feeding yesterday and he only ate 2-3 at a "sitting". (Granted he had eaten 5-6 earlier in the day) Do you guys cup feed twice a day, or just leave the cup in the cage the entire day?
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