Best Drippers/Drip Systems


New Member
Hey all, I have a female Jackson's Chameleon in a 4 ft tall Reptibreeze cage. I purchased her at Repticon about a month ago and have been getting by by misting her plants (artificial) twice daily. I would like to provide her with a dripper, but I work at a pet store and the dripper we sell (The Little Dripper) is awful. Does anyone have any specific brand of dripper or have any easy DIY drippers that you recommend?
if you search diy dripper on the site or on youtube u should get the idea.

i use a diy fogger for my jackson. the fog comes out on the large leaves
of my camellia japonica and form nice drops and wet leaves, he just loves that area of his cage and stays very nicely hydrated. i hand mist a couple times a day but that is for my own peace of mind more than anything
I don't think there are many brands of drippers but you can make one very easily by putting a pinhole into the bottom of any clean plastic container--like a milk jug or soda bottle.

Unless your house is exceptionally humid, you are keeping your Jackson's in too dry an environment.
Healthy humidity levels for Jackson's are from 60% to about 80%.
If kept with too dry air surrounding her, she will always be a bit dehydrated, which can have an adverse impact on her health in the long run.
This caresheet (and there are more to choose from there on the upper left) should fill in a lot of important details about caring for a Jackson's that you may not know:

Here is an interesting thread about homemade drippers, with posts 12 + onward having good details:
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