Best feeders?


I am wanting to make an order on but I'm not real sure what would be best to order. I already have PHOENIX WORMS in my cart but I have to spend $20 to order. Should I get butter worms or silkworms? My girl is a little over a month old and they have to be very small feeders.

Thanks for any advice,
Butterworms, silkworms, hornworms, superworms (as treats), banana roaches, dubia roaches, crickets, praying mantis, katydids, dragonflies, locust, moths, and stick bugs.

These are a few that i know chams usually go crazy for.

I noticed locust are a great option, but unfortunately they're illegal to sell in the united states due to being "Pests". But you always have the option to go to a big field with a butterfly net lol.

Whoops* just noticed you said for a baby cham lol. I'd stick with any insect thats a nymph. such as dubias & crickets & blue bottle fly larve.
mulberry farms order

I just ordered the Snack Pack- High Calcium Snacker which includes butter worms and phoenix worms. It was a package deal that included shipping. (i'm a single mom and I am on a budget). I am gonna try to get together with some of my friends who have lizards and see about splitting a larger order. My kids and I own a chameleon, a crested gecko, a bearded dragon, and 3 fire bellied toads so I think they would all enjoy a change from crickets and meal worms. (all I can get in local area)

I will try the silk worms next time. Oh, I have rad that phoenix worms do not need to be dusted. Is that true about the butter worms too? Would it be a good time to give a multi vitamin? What multi vitamin do y'all recommend? I know I need to make sure it does NOT have D3 in it.

Thanks again,
Standard schedule is every feeding calcium. calcium with d3 2 mondays a month, and vitamin 2 fridays a month. Or just one feeding a week either do the d3 or vitamin, then switch it the following week.

Yes butters are high in calcium, they are a favorite for healthy moms with eggs.
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