Best Meals for Baby Veiled


New Member
Hi all! I'm new here to the forums, and Cham ownership, and just made my first post here the other day. Due to time constraints I really can't go digging around for the info I need (which I'm awful at finding, so it would likely take me ages no matter how simple it is), so I figured I'd hop in here and make my own thread asking for help.

So, my baby Veiled is a male, about 3 months old (according to the pet shop). My questions pertain to his diet.

I got some super worms, after reading that they would be good for him, and crickets. However, the crickets seems much too big (they were all PetCo had, and I didn't have any other options) and the same goes for the worms. He's successfully eaten the worms multiple times, but he seems too young to chew them properly, and I'm very worried it might be harmful to him to eat them.

As for the crickets, he's had two attempts with them (I've only owned him a few days). The first, it took him a few tries to get a grip on it with his tongue, but when he did, he ate no problem. The cricket didn't even put up a fight.

The second time, though, is what scared me. It was quite a big cricket, definitely larger than the first. It circled around him, and my Cham just eyeballed it. He began to approach a bit, but soon I realized he was backING away. What I thought was him going in for the kill was actually him being scared, I think!

He backed away and opened his mouth wide, which I believe is a sign of stress or aggression, as he did this when I first tried to handle him (to get a gauge on whether he was good to handle or just wanted to be left alone. I decided he doesn't like handling after that).

So what do I do? I'm stumped. Again, he seems to be able to eat the super worms fine, but I'm worried. And I definitely can't give him those crickets now.

Below are some pictures of him, up close, and farther back so you can tell his size. I'd say he's about 3 or 4 inches long.

I just need to figure out what and how to feed him. Because, on top of all this, the worms always fall down to the ground, and I'm worried that he's not eating them, as it's impossible to tell if they're just hidden under all the Moss or not.


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You could try small dubias. My chameleon loves them.
Also how are you giving him water? I only see a cup of water at the bottom. Do you mist him?
I would also add more plants and vines and maybe take out the moss at the bottom because it can collect and hold bacteria and mold
If you would like to try and handle him leave him for about a week then try. My chameleon when I first got him was very aggressive but I worked with him and now he is as sweet as can be. Just give him some time to get acclimated and then try to work with him but don't just reach in and grab him. Coax him out with food (when you get food he can eat) and put a stick out (or I just a plastic chop stick) so he can grab on to it and you can remove him from his cage and get him used to be taken out. Also leave his cage door open for periods of time to get him used to that too. That's what made my chameleon want to come out all the time.
You could try small dubias. My chameleon loves them.
Also how are you giving him water? I only see a cup of water at the bottom. Do you mist him?
I would also add more plants and vines and maybe take out the moss at the bottom because it can collect and hold bacteria and mold
I mist him, yes. The cup of water is there because he had one in his enclosure at the pet store and I thought out would make things more familiar. He drinks off of misted leaves just fine.
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